Vivid Green Emeralds from Zambia

11 items
Pair of Vivid green emeralds in heart shape 1.38 carats, Zambia  photo
AED 9,190 / 6,659/ct
Bangkok, worldwide shipping
Vivid Green emerald octagon shape 2.06 ct, Zambia, Insignificant photo
AED 18,180 / 8,825/ct
Available in Moscow
Intense Green emerald 4.51 carats in octagon cut, Zambia photo
AED 34,630 / 7,678/ct
Dubai, worldwide shipping
Vivid Green emerald 3.97 carats in octagon cut, Zambia photo
AED 30,550 / 7,695/ct
Dubai, worldwide shipping
Intense Vivid Green emerald 5.64 ct from Zambia, GFCO photo
AED 57,370 / 10,172/ct
Available in Moscow
Zambian Vivid Green emerald octagon cut 2.68 ct photo
AED 27,550 / 10,280/ct
Available in Moscow
Octagon cut emerald 1.21 carats, Zambia photo
AED 21,330 / 17,628/ct
Bangkok, worldwide shipping
Vivid Green emerald in octagon cut 1.85 ct, Zambia photo
AED 32,620 / 17,632/ct
Bangkok, worldwide shipping
Radiant cut emerald 3.74 carats, Zambia photo
AED 24,730 / 6,612/ct
Bangkok, worldwide shipping
Vivid Green no oil Zambian emerald in octagon cut 4.58 ct photo
AED 285,950 / 62,434/ct
Bangkok, worldwide shipping
Pair of cushion cut vivid green emeralds 1.89 carat, Zambia  photo
AED 15,970
Item is sold
Weight, ct
Price, AED
GS Index
Trade color
Basic color